Downloading NewMind Software from

Downloading NewMind Software from

Below you will see step by step instructions with images directly below and at the bottom of this page in a blue bracket you'll see step by step instructions without images.

Downloading the NewMind Software

Step 1: Sign into your account > Click your profile bubble > Click Computer

Step 2: Click "Download Software" then you'll see a download logo appear (photo below showing the more common pop up you will get after clicking download)

  *Photo showing common way download will show* "right click" > "Keep" > "keep anyway" to allow the NewMind Software to start

Step 3: Click the "Login To Register" and you will get to your normal login screen for NewMind Software

Step 4: After you login you'll get to this screen > Name the computer whatever you'd like > click "Add Computer and Login"

-You'll see the name of the computer reflected on under the tab we were at on picture 3.  

You will now have your NewMind Software on your new device with your new license key named whatever you put 

Signing into a new computer may take awhile to go thru 1/4-4/4 synching.

You can see the list of computers on your account > profile bubble to computers > scrolling down you'll see the list you can edit

Downloading NewMind Software
Step 1: Sign into your account > Click your profile bubble > Click Computer
Step 2: Click "Download Software" > download will appear on your taskbar "right click" NewMind Software Download > "Keep" > "keep anyway" to allow the download of NewMind Software.
Step 3: You will then go thru typical NewMind Software Installation process like you did on your previous computer(s)
Step 4: Once your NewMind Software is downloaded, click to open the application, click "yes" when that screen comes up when you're first opening the software.
Step 5: Click the "Login To Register" and you will get to your normal log in screen for NewMind Software. Sign into your NewMind Software Account
Step 6: Click the "Login To Register" and you will get to your normal log in screen for NewMind Software. Sign into your NewMind Software Account - See below at the orange tab if you want separate sign in for new computer as well.
Step 7: After you login you'll get an "Add This Computer" page > Name the computer whatever you'd like and you'll see that reflected on (follow Steps 1-3 to see this) > Click "Add Computer and Login"
You will now have your NewMind Software on your new device with your new license key named whatever you put.

You can see the list of computers on your account > profile bubble to computers > scroll down and you'll see the list - you can also delete computers here

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